
  • Chop & Drop

    A chop-and-drop mulch plant is one that produces a lot of biomass, which can be periodically pruned, pulled or coppiced (cutting the plant down to a stump). These plants are great for making soil. Once they grow to the desired height they can be cut and laid right on the ground to decompose and feed the soil. Overtime you will build a nice layer of soil if using this method.

  • Edible

    These are plants that you can eat.

  • Medicinal

    The are plants that have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times. Plants synthesise hundreds of chemical compounds for functions including defence against insects, fungi, diseases, and herbivorous mammals.

  • NItrogen-fixer

    Plants require nitrogen to grow. Nitrogen-fixing plants are those whose roots are colonized by certain bacteria that extract nitrogen from the air and convert or “fix” it into a form required for their growth. When the bacteria are done with this nitrogen, it becomes available to the plants, themselves. It is an example of a symbiotic relationship (between plant and bacteria), and the name for the process is "nitrogen fixation."

  • Timber

    These are plants used for their ability to repel insects, nematodes, and other pests. They have been used in companion planting as pest control in agricultural and garden situations, and in households.

  • Pollinator

    These are plants used for their ability to repel insects, nematodes, and other pests. They have been used in companion planting as pest control in agricultural and garden situations, and in households.

  • Pest Repellent

    These are plants used for their ability to repel insects, nematodes, and other pests. They have been used in companion planting as pest control in agricultural and garden situations, and in households.